dis coming 10 january im going to report my self for my studies in semester 5.
yeah i already waste my one year and 5 months for my second year
and one year and two days for completing my seatime which means my life at the sea.
and one more yeah i felt like this year and my 20 years old year is the faster year yang penah aku lalui.
hahahaha seriously!
you're spending your time at the sea most of the year and tak rasa pon yang wawa sudah 20 tahun in 2012 and now already 2013.maknanya im getting older laa.21 tahun for this year.
ya Allah cepat nya masa berjalan dan amal aku masih kurang untuk menghadapi akhirat nanti.
moga Allah sentiasa bersama aku dan permudahkan aku dalam segala urusan.
for this new year wawa just hopping that wawa need to be more serious in studies.hahah yeah tak leh maen maen macam dulu.
kena clear semua paper and courses.but in the same time nak turun laut jugak maen air.rindu da nak pegang laser semua bagai.
swimming of course kena cekap la nak ada test nanti and still fobia nak diving.macam mana niiee??
heheh insyaAllah akan ku selam jugak 4 meter swimming pool tu.alahai kenapa dalam sangat -.-
also be a great daughter make my parents and family proud of me.
bagi grad cecepat and keja cecepat and boleh la kawen cecepat.ooppsss.heeeee still far away.
but insyaAllah kalau dah jodoh datang awal nak wat camna kan.hikhik
always pray to my family and also to my beloved one.permudahkan segalanya.ammiinn
p/s : tak celebrate pon new year.still a new day but a new number for a year.just duduk umah iron baju sambil tengok captain america with abang.happy family.love guys.
first time celebrate new year kat luar for 2012 with my fellow alam's friends.memories ;) |
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