May 14, 2011

Day 8 – Your dream wedding.

 wawa & ..... wedding :D

this post is out of my mind right now. ahaha
cuz i have a long journey to go before this happen
wah kah3. perhaps , i'm single so i don't care about it.

hahaha so we start with 1) colours for the wedding. i think i want it in cool, modern and sweet wedding.
so might be in white , light pink and purple.

so if i have a chance 2) location for my wedding is sea side , maybe or in cute location :D
dis just celebrate with my close family. if it's for others, just do it at my house or hall nearby my house ;D

my 3) baju pengantin is very different. i don't want to wear dress like nowaday. i like something different.maybe like this

but i need to make sure its cover my 'aurat'

next is about 4) cake. hehe i want in in differant way. maybe next 6 years it will have a unique decoration for cake. so wait for it k. hehe

for 5) decoration, i will let my sister to plan it. i just give my idea how the situation is.cuz her ideas is out of my mind. :DD

others... i don't think about it yet. hehehehe

p/s : i will make sure, all moments that happened in my wedding will recorded and there're photographer will take all the pictures. i will make sure dat ! tiba tiba rasa nak kawen. haha

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